
Comparing ray tracing results with approximation formula

Warning: Firefox renders the formulas correctly (Chrome and Microsoft Edge can't properly render the formula [MathM] correctly)!!!

The refraction approximation formula are quite known and coming from the astronomy, navigation and geodesy environments and are mentioned in this link. These approximation formula are (all result in [deg] or [m]):

DistantHeight: Elevation of the target [m]
NearHeight: Elevation of the observer [m]
K: average Refraction Constant [-] = (0.0342 - Lapse rate) *272.84 and K=k/0.0238
Lapse rate: Average lapse rate [K/m] (remember 'Lapse rate' is the negative of 'Temperature gradient')
P: Pressure at NearHeight [mbar]
T: Temperature at NearHeight  [°C]
Ra: Radius of Earth [m]
Lray (or S): Length of the light ray [m]
X: Distance along Earth's geoid [m]
AppAlt: Apparent altitude at NearHeight [°] (AppAlt=TopoAlt+Refract)

The angles and
      distances in this environmet

The above approximation formula are compared with the results of the ray tracing implementation from Reijs: RefractHOSI, which based on integration along apparent altitude (Hohenkerk&Sinclair, 1985). Benchmarking astronomical and levelling refraction showed that the refraction variation in results was max. 2" (around 0.05%): with integration along apparent altitude (pers. comm, Tschudin, Young, 2017) and with integration along Earth's geoid (pers. comm. van der Werf, 2017). Benchmarking terrestrial refraction was successfully spot checked with van der Werf's implementation which uses integration along the Earth's geoid (pers. comm, van der Werf, 2017).

Here are the different refraction comparisons (at 1 arcmin level, aka ~1/30 of diameter of Sun/Moon), so that we can determine the validity of the approximation functions coming from the astronomy, navigation and geodesy environments:

Astronomical refraction

Under the condition of Standard Atmosphere (US1976, T0=15°C and P0=1013.25mbar, λ=600nm, Rearth=6378120km), the below picture provides comparison between AstroRefractHOSI and AstroRefractATS (formula 1):
        astronomical refraction of VR's-HOSI implementationa dn Sinclair

The difference between the two is max. 1.2' (blue dashed line and the right axis). This small difference is expected as Sinclair (1978) was part of the implementors of the Hohenkerk&Sincliar (1985) program (although his published formula looks to be earlier than the publish computer program).

Levelling refraction (dip due to vast level surface)

Under the condition of Standard Atmosphere (US1976, T0=15°C and P0=1013.25mbar, λ=600nm, Rearth=6378120km), the below picture provides comparison between LevelRefractHOSI, LevelRefractVR (formula 2) and LevelRefractNA (formula 3):

Comparing VR's
      implementaiton of HOSI, VR's implementation of Thom and Nautical

The difference between LevelRefractHOSI and LevelRefractVR is max. 1' (purple dashed line and the right axis) and LevelRefractNA is max. 1.2' (green dashed line and the right axis). They are not that far from each others (certainly below a height of 2000m, equivalent to AppAlt=-1.3°), which is expected as all are used for Standard Atmosphere (US1976) environments.

Average lapse rate or detailed height-temperature profile?

Andrew Young states: "George Kattawar and I [Andrew Young] showed that the dip depends almost entirely on the difference in temperature between the air at eye level and that at the apparent horizon, regardless of the thermal structure in between.".

Beside the  temperature difference (average temperature gradient), the temperature/pressure at one of the points is important (as that also changes the refraction). So a high resolution height-temperature profile is not that important in these dip/levelling cases.

This has been tested by using two different height-temperature profiles:
  1. The temperature starts at 15°C and stays constant up to half eye-height, and then the temperature changes gradual to eye-height. The temperature at eye-height is determined by the average lapse rate defined for each 'experiment'.
  2. The temperature starts at 15°C and change gradual up to half eye-height and then it stays constant up to eye-height. The temperature at eye-height is determined by the average lapse rate defined for each 'experiment'.
Example: if average lapse rate is 0.0065K/m and the ground temperature is 15°C, the temperature at eye height (3000m) will be -4.5°C (=15-0.0065*3000). The slanted profile (on left side) has twice the average lapse rate (0.013K/m) up to half eye-height (1500m) and then the lapse rate is zero up to eye-height (3000m), while in the perpen[dicular] profile (on the right side) the temperature stays at 15°C up to half eye-height (1500m) and then it changes with twice the lapse rate (0.013K/m) up to the eye-height (3000m):
Lapse rate slanted
Slanted temperature change
Perpendicular temperature change
Perpendicular temperature change

The temperature gradients near the horizon are thus considerable different for the two height-temperature profiles: 0.013 (slant) and 0 (perpen) K/m.

If we use these different height-temperature profiles (slant and perpen) for an average lapse rate of -0.01, 0.0065 and 0.02K/m the below picture emerges. The LevelRefractHOSI (continuous lines) and LevelRefractVR (dashed lines) have been calculated:
Same lapse rates with different temperature profiles

For the cases of average lapse rate 0.0065 and 0.02K/m the LevelRefractHOSI (continuous lines) and LevelRefractVR (dashed lines) are comparable. This is not the case for average lapse rate -0.01K/m. For some reason they diverge for higher Near Heights (>1000m). A possible  reason could be because the approximation formula 2 is valid for small angles and low heights. Heights of up to 4200m were chosen because of the apparent altitude measurements of the sea level (due to dip aka levelling refraction) by Schaefer&Liller (1990).
The two different height-temperature profiles (slant and perpen) don't really produce large differences (except perhaps slightly larger differences for the average lapse rate 0.02K/m). So Andrew Young's statement looks to be correct.

Terrestrial refraction

Under the condition of Standard Atmosphere (Rearth=6378120km, T0=15°C and P0=1013.25mbar), the terrestrial refraction per kilometer depends on average lapse rate (remember 'Lapse rate' is the negative of 'Temperature gradient') as seen for the formula 5 and formula 6 below:
      refraction pe rkm

Lapse rates of -0.04 (Stability Class=G: likely around midnight) to 0.02 (Stability Class=A: likely around noon) K/m maps Refraction Coefficients (K) of ~20 to ~4 [-]. And these are numbers that are also found through Thom's observations. The two curves cross at a lapse rate of 0.0065K/m (which is expected as the simple approximation (formula 6) is derived for 0.0065K/m only).

Under the condition of Standard Atmosphere (US1976, Rearth=6378120km, T0=15°C and P0=1013.25mbar), levelling refraction (formula 3) and terrestrial refraction (formula 5) should come to the same results if the Distance for terrestrial refraction (in formula 5: Lray) is made the same as the level distance to horizon (formula 4) and having the same height differences. In the below figure one can see that the results are similar (within 0.2'):
Difference between levelling and terrestrial refraction

To determine TerrestRefractHOSI a slight addition is needed to the ray tracing procedure. The terrestrial refraction has three parameters: HNear, HDistant  and Distance (over Earth's geoid). The Distance (X over Earth's geoid) can be easily determined by changing Hohenkerk&Sinclair procedure to calculate the distance integral instead of the refraction integral (van der Werf, 2008, Table 1, column 2). The Apparent Altitude at the HNear is varied (in an iterative way) so that the light ray at Distance X goes through HDistant.

Under the condition of Standard Atmosphere (US1976, T0=15°C and P0=1013.25mbar, λ=600nm, Rearth=6378120km), comparing the TerrestRefractHOSI (blue line) and TerrestRefractVR (red line) shows that below HDistant=1000m the two have similar behavior:
Same lapse rates with different temperature profiles for
      Terrestrial refraction
It might be that the TerrestRefractVR (formula 5) is too much an approximation.

Using the same two height-temperature profiles as for levelling refraction (slant and perpen) for an average lapse rate of -0.01, 0.0065 and 0.02K/m, the below picture emerges for terrestrial refraction. The TerrestRefractHOSI (continuous lines) and TerrestRefractVR (dashed lines) have been calculated:
Terrestrial refraction with different lapse rates
The comparison for 0.02K/m is quite difficult as TerrestRefractHOSI (green and red continuous lines) and TerrestRefractVR (green and red dashed lines) are quite diverse, reason unknown yet. The others two lapse rates (-0.01 and 0.065K/m) are closer up to HDistant=1000m. There might be a possibility that the approximation formula 5 is not accurate enough, so need to check that.


Common to all types of approximation refraction formula: below HDistant=1000m the approximation formula and the ray tracing method give similar results, while with an average lapse rate of 0.0065K the mapping is best say up to HDistant=2000m . This looks to be inherent to these approximation formula.

No direct evaluation has been done on changing the T0 and P0 at HNear: up to now the US1976 conditions and some specific height-temperature profiles (slant and perpen) were used, but the ray tracing function can use any T0, P0, and height-temperature profile.

At this moment, I am not planning to determine new/other formula; as ray tracing is nowadays a simple and valid method to determine the refraction in a unified way, as was recognised in the past.


Bennett, G.G. 1982. 'The calculation of astronomical refraction in marine navigation', Journal of Inst. navigation, Vol 35: pp. 255-59.
Hohenkerk, Catherine Y., and A.T. Sinclair. 1985. "The computation of angular atmospheric refraction at large zenith angles." ed. by HM nautical almanac office. Cambridge.
Reijs, Victor M.M. 2007.'Refraction: Refraction calculation', in http://www.archaeocosmology.org/eng/refract.htm#Calculated [accessed 2 July 2012].
Schaefer, Brad E., and William Liller. 1990. 'Refraction near the horizon', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol 102: pp. 796-805.
Sinclair, A.T. 1978. "Data for astro-navigation in 1978 for use with small calculators." ed. by HM nautical almanac office. Cambridge.
Thom, Alexander. 1971. Megalithic lunar observatories (Oxford University Press)
Werf, Siebren Y. van der. 2003. 'Ray tracing and refraction in the modified US1976 atmosphere', Applied optics, Vol 42: pp. 354-66.
Werf, Siebren Y. van der. 2008. 'Comment on “Improved ray tracing air mass numbers model”', Applied optics, Vol 47: pp. 153-56.


I would like to thank people, such as Siebren van der Werf and others for their help and constructive feedback. Any remaining errors in methodology or results are my responsibility of course!!! If you want to provide constructive feedback, let me know.

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Major content related changes: December 1, 2017